Do you ever feel stressed out or worried when it comes to your business or job? Do you ever feel like you work so hard and have little to show for it? Do you have a love/hate relationship with money?
What if it is not about the job, the business, the clients, the co-workers, the money or how hard you work?
**WHAT IF it is all about what is hidden in your subconscious belief system??**
Scientists like Dr. Bruce Lipton, show that most of our decisions, actions, emotions and behavior depend on the 95% of brain activity that is beyond our conscious awareness, which means that 95 – 99% of our life comes from the programming in our subconscious mind.
Subconscious beliefs can unknowingly keep you stuck. If you notice yourself living the same scenarios over and over, if you know the changes you need or want to make, but just can't seem to make them, then your subconscious belief system is at work, making it difficult to move forward with your success.
Through Simply Healed, a unique and powerful emotional balance technique, the negative subconscious beliefs that keep you stuck can be easily released and replaced with positive beliefs that will allow you to easily achieve whatever success you want to create in your life.
You are invited to a FREE Simply Healed Session conference call ($125 value) to spring clean those negative hidden beliefs that are sabotaging your business success! Do you want to get to the next level in your business, make more money, find the perfect job, attract loyal clients, get along better with co-workers, have clarity in your business decisions, improve your skills? Here is your chance to get a JUMP START!
*Meet one of my clients on the call who will share his experience with Simply Healed*
Check out the details here:
Thursday March 27, 2014
Conference Dial-in Number:
(712) 432-1500
Access Code: 429539#
6:30 pm PST
7:30 pm MST
8:30 pm CST
9:30 pm EST
Happy Spring,
Jen Poulson