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I let go of running from myself.

I let go of running from myself.

An interesting affirmation recently came up for one of my clients.  It said:  “I let go of running from myself.”  What do you think that means for you?   Do you runfrom yourself?Have you slowed down enough lately, or ever, to pay pay attention to who you really are?  I'm talking the deep down, core part of you.  It is so much deeper than what your past is, what you do for work, how many countries you've visited, how big your house is, how many children you have, how many mistakes you've made...your core, who you really are is God's truth about you. It’s the divine part of you that is not defined by your past, people in your life, or your own fears and doubts. You are God's creation; He defines your divine truth.For many of us, there is often a spiral of stories, excuses, and fears in our heads that keeps us running from ourselves. Running keeps us from recognizing and being our true, divine selves.Running without taking breaks wears you down.  Is it time to take a break from running from yourself?  Years ago, I was too afraid to really look at who I am.  I was so disconnected from believing things could really change, even though I really wanted things inside me to change.  I was afraid of what I would uncover.  I was afraid I had let God down.  I was afraid I couldn't really change.  I was afraid of what people might think of me if I started living more authentically and started to speak up more, say no when I wanted to say no, and say yes to the things I wanted to say yes to.  My friend Sharon could see how I was running from myself.  She saw there was more to me than my victim story and my self-doubt.  She saw there was more to me than going through the motions.  She had the guts to tell me I needed some help.  She had the guts not to worry what I thought about her suggestion of me seeing an energy coach.  She had the guts to speak up and it changed my life. It changed my life because eventually I had the guts to scrape up the money, set my fears aside, and go.  So here's my question for you:  Are you tired of running from yourself?  Are you ready to discover what your beautiful divine truth is and then be able to be FREE to live your life from a place of knowing, and I mean really knowing, who you are, what you're capable of, and be able to allow, accept and receive it ALL?CLICK HERE to schedule a free consultation. I'm ready to help you see and accept the divine truth of who you really are. 
