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Remember? You are WONDERFUL!

Remember? You are WONDERFUL!

Sometimes things happen in childhood or even as an adult, that carries over into different parts of our lives that make us forget that we are wonderful! 


When you forget, you may feel frustrated, unmotivated, and out of balance.  When you forget, your health may deteriorate - you may notice that your body tries to help you become aware of underlying negative emotions and beliefs about yourself by getting sick, feeling tired, gaining weight, breaking out, etc. 


When you forget, you may find yourself stuck in unhealthy relationships, money problems, or "bad luck" may have the attitude of - "If it's not one thing, it's another".


Research done by Dr. Bruce Lipton proves that your subconscious beliefs account for 95% of the outcomes in your life.  He has also proved that those negative subconscious beliefs CAN BE REVERSED!!  He suggests meditation as one tool.   I know prayer is also powerful in helping us change. 


There is another tool that has changed my life, that actually releases negative beliefs that can get in the way of feeling that divine help that is always there - Simply Healed.  Does it change everything in 1 session?  No - all healing is a process.  Does this process have to be long and drawn out and painful?  NO!!  I guess that is why I love it so much, and why I was trained, and why I love helping others make quick changes that create the happiness & success they desire.


Are you or someone you know, in need of an "emotional tune-up"? 


Whatever you do today...Be wonderful to yourself & take care of YOU!! 




