Today I watched in incredible TED talk about how Emotional Energy affects the success of a business. It was explained that “Emotional Energy has the power to transform and unite companies and communities.”
I have seen the effects of transforming negative emotional energy in my own life - including my relationships, health and business. I have seen it help kids do better in school and with friends. I have seen my clients transform family relationships and bring families and marriages back together. I have seen stressed out, worn down, sick bodies, minds and hearts regain strength, purpose, peace, and excitement for life. I have seen businesses that have struggled in today’s economy improve and exceed expectations.
Here is the link to this incredible TED talk:
All it takes is knowing how to make the necessary, powerful changes in your Emotional Energy. How do you unlock the energy to YOUR SUCCESS?
I have learned how to do that through Carolyn Cooper’s Simply Healed™ Method.
Meet some of my clients here: Testimonials
Are you ready to tune-up your Emotional Energy?
Find out more about my NEW 6-Month Business Success Package. Begin seeing positive changes in your business in LESS than one month! Experience the growth and success you have dreamed of! Start today! This package is for committed business owners, professionals and entreprenuers.
Are you interested in just improving your own Emotional Energy? Receive $25 off a 1 hour Session.
Our Emotional Energy is powerful. It determines where we are in life, if we are stuck in a rut, and where we are going!
If you are ready for some powerful, positive life transformations, call today!
Jen Poulson