One of the most common fears adults have is public speaking. Some people will live their entire lives never believing that they are worth being seen and heard because they aren't good at public speaking. Many people will never realize that they CAN overcome what keeps them afraid and holds them back from speaking in public.
Many of my clients come to me with the desire to overcome their speaking fears. In my first year of coaching, I had a client who was paying a lot of money for a public speaking coaching program. This client was having difficulty projecting his voice. He was referred to me and we set up a session 2 days before he had to fly across the country to give his speech. In the session, we uncovered the root cause of his inability to project his voice and connect with his audience. A couple of days later, I received a text from him telling me that his coach joined him on stage after he gave his speech and, in front of everyone, praised him and actually recited several of the affirmations that came up in his session. He told my client that whatever he was doing to improve that much in such a short amount of time, to KEEP IT UP!
You don't have to go through life letting any fear hold you back. The truth is that everyone has an important reason for being here; if you feel it's time to discover what that is and be able to speak up about it, then you are in the right place - right here, right now.
If you want to find your voice, I can help. If you want to feel confident in front of others, I can help. If you want to improve your life by getting to the root of what is really holding you back, I can help. It's simple. It's powerful. It's quick. I have a coaching program that will work for you. Whether it's individual coaching or group coaching, you will find the success you have wanted.