This morning at 4:30 am, I found myself WIDE awake...this is often the time that inspiration has hope that I will be listening, and open. Instead of tossing and turning, I knew what I had to do. I quietly got up and grabbed one of my favorite little books,a notebook and pen. I headed for the family room where the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights brought a smile to my face.
It was quiet until the rain started pouring down and the lightening put on a spectacular show. To me it was calming. The air was surprisingly warm for the end of November so I opened the door and enjoyed the sounds of the storm while everyone else slept.
I opened my book - the one that had been calling my name all week, and the first thing that jumped out at me was this quote from Henry Ford: "Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, either way, you're right."
Honestly, I was in the middle of my own little emotional "issues"...yes, it's true, they come up for me occasionally - just ask my kids, my husband or my running partner! Anyway...I spent the early morning hour working on letting go of my own self-doubts and false beliefs about my abilities and potential. I was determinedto get out of "feeling stuck" and move forward, believing in my dream of helping people and making a positive difference in the world!
Soon Gracie, my 7 year old, came down all ready for school. We were engaged in our normal morning chatter, when she suddenly became quiet. She explained that today she was going to be bowling in P.E. and that she didn't think she would be any good at it. I shared with her the quote from Henry Ford and asked if she knew what it meant. To my delight, she understood it perfectly. Her face lit up, and she then said: "So, all I have to do is picture in my mind that the ball stays between the lines, then I'll do good in bowling?" I reassured her that things in life often take practice, and that we get to decide if we are going to give up or believe that we can do it - even if it takes some practice.
She went off to school, the worried tone of her voice turned confident, calm and happy. The minute she walked in the door this afternoon, she was excited to report that bowling was a success! She pictured the ball staying in the lines, and it did! She didn't knock ALL the pins down, but she hit a lot of them and was very happy with the outcome of her efforts!
The quote is simple & powerful! Are you feeling stuck in some area of your life? Health and Energy? Relationships? Weight? Good Self-Esteem? Financial/Career?
Believe you can have success! If you find it difficult, you know what to do - I can help with that!
Here's to believing you can do ANYTHING!!