"I am always in the right place at the right time" is an affirmation that often comes up when I am working with my new business clients. When this affirmation is strong and clear, you may have an experience similar to the one I had just last week!
One of my daughters told me at the last minute, that she needed to go to Office Max to print some things off for her school project due the next day. I mustered all the self-control I had, and instead of being frustrated with her, I smiled and said - okay! I have time to take you right now. (Even though I was tired and really wanted to get into my pj's).
As we approached the copy center desk, there was a woman there whohad a project laid out over all the counter space. I wondered how long we'd have to wait for our turn, and while waiting, glanced down and noticed the title on one of her copies. My curiosity was immediately peaked, and being the fearless conversationalist that I have become over the years, asked her about her business. She started "interviewing" me about my business, and at the end of the conversation, we exchanged business cards and set up a time to meet for lunch.
That lunch happened yesterday! I discovered that she is exactly the person I need to help me with the next phase of my business. And not only that, I was exactly what she needed to help her clear some emotional blocks with a business project she's been struggling with.
When I think about what the outcome of that situation could have been, I am grateful for my conscious decisions to be positive! I could have chosen to be frustrated with my child, frustrated at having to wait, and never saying anything to the woman putting her project together. INSTEAD, I met a new friend who I was able to help, and is willing to help me! I am now looking at opportunities opening up that I once dreamed about, and now have the chance to become my reality!
Being in the right place at the right time is helpful in many areas of our lives! Being there is often not enough though! You have to have the courage to speak up when you're curious, or stand up for what you believe in, or take a risk that may feel uncomfortable.
If you would like to find yourself in the right place at the right time more often, with more courage to act when you're there, make an appointment today & you will be amazed at the opportunities right in front of you!!
Jen Poulson
Helping People Excel in Business & Relationships