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Attachment to the outcome blocks your ability to receive what you are working for

Attachment to the outcome blocks your ability to receive what you are working for

I have a question for you: have you ever just really wanted something specific to happen in your life? For example: making a sale, an intimate emotional connection, someone's validation or approval, or someone to change their habits or behaviors? Here's my second question: have you ever noticed that the more you want that something, it always seems like you're grasping for it, fighting for it, maybe even trying to force it, but it ultimately slips through your fingers? Does this seem to happen to you time and time again? It can be extremely frustrating, especially if you feel like you're doing and saying all the right things, attending all the right seminars and trainings, and putting in time and effort.There's a reason you aren't getting what you really want. There's a delicate energetic exchange that happens between what you want and what you get. The first part of the exchange is your core belief system that dictates whether or not you believe you deserve it - this belief system was developed at a very young age and is affecting your life now. The other part of the exchange is how attached you are to what you want. This is a common obstacle that directly affects your success. Think about a current situation in your life where you feel like you try so hard, but never get the results you want. Is it your marriage? Other family relationships? Your business or career? Your finances? Your schedule? Health or weight? When your core (subconscious) belief system is lacking in positive beliefs, then it is virtually impossible to achieve the success your conscious brain is working so hard to achieve. That lack in your belief system often times results in neediness. When you need someone to behave a certain way so you can feel seen, heard, validated or valued, it is extremely difficult for the other person to see, hear, validate, or express how they value you. It just feels yucky when people need things from you in a needy way. This delicate energetic exchange, if unbalanced, will repel the very things that you desire. It sabotages your confidence, your success, your communication, and your ability to see clearly. If unbalanced, it creates an attachment that is so strong that you begin to do almost anything to get what you want, and often will cause you to behave in uncharacteristically negative ways. Not only does this occur towards other people, but it can also be turned inward, and that's often harsher.Think about it - what happened the last time you didn't get what you wanted from your kids, your spouse, a co-worker, or your mother? What response did you have? Was it turned outward, inward, or both? This delicate energetic exchange, as you can see, can really get messy and hurtful. What happens if you never address these feelings of neediness, never heal from it, never learn a different way of being in this energetic exchange? You may continue to overeat, be angry at life, talk negatively about everyone and everything, feel mentally and physically exhausted, feel depressed, lose hope in who you are and your ability to ever be happy, and sadly, lose the things that are most important to you.If you relate to any of this, then it's no coincidence that you are here. This is your moment of truth. Do you do something about it, or do you let things get worse? Nothing ever stays the same. Things either get better or they get worse, but it's NEVER too late to choose to do something about it. Nobody is ever too far gone.If you want to be guided through changing your core belief system with coaching, everyday tools, personal attention, and support every step of the way, you'll love my unique programs. Whether you choose individual or small group coaching, you will be moving in the right direction, and you will experience quick results. It's easy to schedule a free Success Consult with me. This is a no-strings-attached, judgement-free conversation. Maybe we are a good match, maybe not - but at least you will have made a move closer to your own success! I look forward to talking with you soon! Email me to get started! 
