I remember having this feeling growing up that my goodness was diminished if I made a mistake, got a low grade, or had any negative feelings. As a result, I learned to judge myself as good vs. bad, successful vs. unsuccessful.
Through energy coaching over the years, I have learned to think and see myself differently. I have learned that I'm not defined by mistakes; I can learn from them, improve, and overcome things like negativity, money problems, motivation problems, etc. I now teach my clients to be observers, not critics. Observe what works and what doesn't. If a different outcome is desired, then you have the choice to do something different in order to find something that does work. Being someone who is always moving forward is a beautiful way to define yourself.
It's time to let go of shame, judgement, and being so hard on yourself. Those things hold you back like heavy chains. I'm here to help! Join one of my coaching programs and see how easy it is to set yourself free to always keep moving forward! Email me to learn more!