I know - when you're frustrated, hurt, or feel like the world is out to get you, choosing peace seems the least likely choice to make. I'm not saying disregard your feelings, pain, or frustration; I'm saying be peaceful with it. Own it. Don't blame someone else for how you feel. Don't obsess over how someone should "make it right" for you, change, or even say sorry. Just peacefully be in the moment and feel it. When you choose to own your feelings, you choose peace. When you choose to blame, shame, judge, or punish, you choose war. Do you want to be at war with yourself or with others?
I spent a lot of years being in a silent war within my own head and heart. I spent a lot of years not even knowing I could choose a different experience. You can, too. I know the way out of war and into peace. I will help you every step of the way.
Let's chat and see if we are a good fit and see if the timing is right. Join my email list today at jenpoulson.com and request a call - I will personally call you!