How many times have you heard someone say, “I shouldn't feel that way,” or “I should be over this by now?” Do you say that to yourself? Every time you judge your feelings as not okay, it's like stuffing them in a closet. You know what happens when the closet gets too full...
What if you gave yourself permission to feel sad, angry, lonely, or frustrated? What if, instead of beating yourself up with shame and guilt about your feelings, you embraced them with love - you held them, acknowledged them, accepted them and let them just be? When you do this, your feelings are free to keep moving, making room for more love, more joy, more peace, more compassion, more of everything good. When you hang on to them, stuff them, hate them, and hide from them, they linger and grow until you're forced to face them - which is usually more painful.
Be kind and gentle with yourself by giving yourself full permission to feel your feelings; be okay with them and let them go. Free yourself to embrace more good in your life be practicing this every day! Don't know where to start in this process? Visit here for more info about coaching.