One of my first mentors told me that I can either learn with joy or pain - either way, I'm going to learn. I've thought about that lesson many times over the years. We often keep ourselves in struggle by trying to force things like relationships, a child's attitude or behavior, someone's acceptance or approval, or even making a sale. Why does it seem so easy to stay in struggle and so difficult to make lasting change? Your brain! Your brain likes what's familiar, even if what is familiar is struggle. Your brain is also designed to keep you safe, which means that when you try to make a change in your life, your brain will go into defense mode. Fear, excuses, justifications, procrastination and even physical reactions like cravings, headaches, stomachaches, etc can begin to occur. These reactions are specially designed by your brain to get you to immediately stop whatever change you are trying to make. Your brain's subconscious belief system is dictating all of it. So how can you get out of a place of struggle and into a belief system that will allow things in life to fall into place easily and joyfully?
1 - Be aware. It always starts with awareness! You don't know what you don't know, right? Begin to pay attention to the warning signs - excuses, resistance, the feeling of being pulled to some great opportunity and then having that opportunity pulled right out from under you, sabotage, and excuses (yes, I meant to say that twice!). Everything can change and shift with awareness. It is safe to be aware!
2 - Be kind and gentle with yourself. The best thing you can do is give yourself some grace when you begin to wake up to what is really going on. I often describe to my clients that "waking up" is similar to that feeling when someone opens the curtains first thing in the morning to let the light in and your eyes have to adjust. It can be uncomfortable, upsetting, and you may not feel like you are ready. What happens after a few minutes, though? Your eyes adjust, you begin to see things clearly, and excitement for the new day can emerge. It is safe to wake up!
3 - Leave the past in the past. This has been something that I have had to learn and put into practice for myself. When you hang on to past mistakes, past hurts, and resentment, it is impossible for you to move forward. Letting go of the past is not about saying it's okay that someone hurt you; letting go of the past is about freeing yourself from being a victim not only of someone else's hurtful words or behavior, but your own. Letting go of the past allows you to let go of focusing on the pain and focus on what you want to experience and create in your life. Letting go of the past is a powerful gift that you give yourself, and it’s one of the biggest secrets of being able to be happy on a really deep level.
4 - Retrain your brain. There are a few key components to retraining your brain.
- Energy work. Energy work helps rewrite false beliefs and lies developed during childhood into the divine truth of who you are and what you truly are capable of.
- Rewire old thought patterns and behavior. When you coach with me or anyone on my team, we will teach you exactly what you need to do to train your brain to support you instead of sabotage everything you want to create in your life. It is totally possible with a little practice!
- Essential Oils. Essential oils are powerful pattern disrupters. They are a powerful part of mental, emotional and physical health. They support retraining your brain and make it easier to transition from struggle to ease. It is safe to learn new patterns, to change, and to be supported from the inside out.
If you are willing to make the effort, these four simple steps will help transform whatever your struggle is. No struggle is too big, too deep, too traumatic, too old, or too difficult. Everyone is capable of opening up the curtains of their life and letting the light in. You are totally capable! I am here for you every step of the way. My team is here for you every step of the way. Are you ready to adjust to the light that is on the other side of your curtain? Are you ready to see things more clearly? Are you ready to learn how to allow things to fall into place easily and joyfully?
It is safe to let go of all of your excuses and fully embrace joy and ease.